Finding falcon…Ra, Odin & Michael, letter from da Universe…

9F9F0CF4-A33E-4AB7-8821-6439A014ED2EIt was quite Saturday afternoon just a perfect weekend we were travelling to a sacred place, a lot of the times when I go there, interesting things happen.

The night before interesting blue beings wanted communicate with me although I fell asleep and later in the morning had interesting dream, that I’m going to see a pod of dolphins 🐬 and when got closer to the dolphins saw one dolphin got stuck into some human made structure or construction. I was helping dolphin to get out of that structure and then I woke up.

Now back to day trip, so the car was on the road and suddenly the bird flew straight in front of the car, my friend stopped the car jumped out of the car and brought the bird to me. This happened so fast I didn’t realise bird was in my hands.

Looked at the bird in my hands and saw it’s a small falcon, we had to make sure bird was ok, also we rang animal services. When we were sure that bird is fine, we had to release it in some green place with trees. As we were driving in the car we turned the corner and the street was called St Michaels, we released the bird there because there was a lot of greenery and bird would feel safe in the surroundings.

Why Ra and why Odin? These words, actually names were coming up a lot. As many may know Ra is an Egyptian god of sun 🌞. Also word Ra is kind of interesting in Russian language if you add one letter to it z then the word means ONE also word Odin in Russian language means ONE. Also Ra used to be portrayed as a human with a falcon head and falcons are very significant in Egyptian culture.

As if the words mean the god of light or the light itself…

Where Michael comes in this story, well…

The interesting thing about the bird was it just ate a pigeon for the lunch because of the feathers on its face that was very obvious…

This is as if bird said ‘Da Universe was sending you a personal letter and pigeon had to deliver the letter although I ate a pigeon and the letter, now I’m the letter.’
Universe has sense of humour…of course someone was wearing T-shirt with an owl 🦉, coincidence…

© laura ciciskinaite


Holiday Season

Arthur seat m

It is so still and cold…

It’s enchanting, the nature and stillness…

The sea looks like silk and it joins with sky…

Sky and water are one…

Like magical designer just sewed the perfect silk dress,

The ornaments on the silk dress, they move and dance,

All colours and sizes, birds move on the silky dress,

Birds form patterns, marvels drawings on the silky dress…

People celebrate Christmas in their homes, oblivious of creations,

Created by magical designer,

And designer plays, creates regardless if he is noticed by some,

And ignored by others.

Two otters play in the darkness,

Twilight is their friend, they are creatures of the night,

How come the swans are still up?

Two white creatures disturb the darkness,

And otters disturb the swans,

Someone hisses, someone doesn’t pay attention,

Everyone is busy minding their own business…

Creation continues…

© laura ciciskinaite

What you going do or not do, RIGHT NOW?

moon blue 12 12

Being somewhere else in the past or future…

Being in the boxed reality…

Don’t even notice what surrounds you,

Mind runs gazillion miles an hour…

Your body can’t be that fast, it can’t follow speed of thought…

Are those thoughts are yours?

Where they come from?

Is there thought generating machines?

The thoughts and ideas pull you into many sides,

As if each of them have leash on your neck,

Thoughts that want to own you…

Are you a slave of thoughts?

Many deep breaths in and out…

So you may see through thoughts…

And there is a road leading somewhere,

Where thoughts don’t go…

There are no words there…

Words are sharp, they cut through,

Words are not personal,

You make it personal…

So, what you going to do or not do RIGHT NOW?

Are you influenced by words?

What words?

Clear your mind…

Deep breath in and out…

Till your mind is clear…

Then make decisions…


© laura ciciskinaite


Internal Spring

internal spring

It’s cold and white outside,

The morning sun is rising,

Sun rays play in the frosty grass and the roof tops,

Miraculous sparkles and the feeling of crispiness,

It’s time of hibernation,

When nature rests,

Internal world blooms,

It’s spring inside…

Don’t get distracted by the fake Christmas lights and shopping malls,

Don’t get distracted…

It’s time of retrospection…

Silence is the best friend…

The darkness is so comforting,

The darkness birth the light,

This feels like spring,

The light shows and the fireworks of the internal worlds,

It’s time for meditation and contemplation…

Don’t get distracted by the drama and fake lights of the outside world…

The outside world gets wavy, as the crazy ocean storm…

The way is inside…

Observe and don’t absorb, don’t be a sponge…

The outside world just like a dream…

You look at the dome of starry sky,

Then look back at the ground and ocean…

Just somewhere over the horizon…’s spring inside and everything is flowering…


© laura ciciskinaite

Puck Pan the God or Prankster

king puck

Pan was known as one of the gods, the horned god he was a mixture of human and goat, sort of chimera in modern terms, body that contains features of more than one species. Pan was wild, he was a free spirit he lived in nature and he didn’t need temples for worship. He seemed as a humble god. Pan also goes by other names and he is mentioned in mythology and writings of different cultures Pan also was mentioned in writings of Shakespeare and Bulgakov.

A lot of people maybe associate Pan as a devil because Pan was associated with sex and nature and puritan Christians saw nature and sex as bad and dirty. Pan is also portrait as a prankster or a trickster although if you look at the story lines carefully he becomes like that only when people make agreements and promise things, and humans brake the promises. Also humans try to trick the creatures and then they get tricked themselves and of course they get angry and call the creature bad. It seems a lot of people get mad when their desire not fulfilled they become like spoiled brat that blames everything around them and of course ‘devil made them do it’. People use that phrase as an excuse. It seems that Pan wasn’t one being there were a lot of Pan’s as if it was a species, a race of beings and it was an old race.

Also on this planet you may try, the good and the bad experiences, people chose this when they ate an apple from the tree ‘bad and good’. You always have a choice what sort of games you want to play. You may choose it consciously or unconsciously. Best make choices when you are the most aware.

Some people say that fairy spirits and/or Pan or Puck are bad and tricksters although they are friends of witches and witches were associated with nature. If you treat nature badly so don’t expect it to treat you well it is not stupid it is not going to tolerate abuse. People get mad when they leave energetic debts and something or someone comes to collect them. Usually these nature spirits punish or trick people who treat nature as if it would be their commodity.

People in Killorglin, Ireland still have a fair in August (and that is when it is ‘Lion’s Gate’ which comes from Egyptian tradition, related to Egyptian New Year and also Sirius) where they crown a male goat, it comes from pagan times.

A lot of yogi people have a pet goat because they consider a goat as a very smart and intelligent animal. So the horned God reaches Yogic traditions also.

Gods, goddess, fairies, nature spirits, they are unknown for most of people. Those beings a lot of times are shapeshifters and they may change forms. What if they reflect your state of mind? Then they treat you the way you are…

People say the devil is ‘a gods beast on a leash’ and it can’t or don’t want to touch certain people. Hey! There are people who swim with sharks, with crocodiles, or may walk among wild predators like lions or tigers, and yeah it is only few individuals …The yogis would encounter wild bears, tigers and elephants and the animals don’t attack yogis…

It seems that this depends of how you treat environment, it treats you back the same way… everything in nature is alive and it remembers…and you are part of it…

©laura ciciskinaite

Sweet Dreams & Nightmares…Who you share your bed with?


You dream a dream with other beings, so you co create experiences in this reality. You live in your own dream bubble and you mix with other dream bubbles and create dreams together.

You think you have original thoughts, ideas, dreams… are you?

You think nobody had it before…?

Where the thoughts and ideas come from?

You think you generate them? Or it comes from somewhere else; creation, other beings, god, gods. Other creatures who are good or bad, or indifferent, they have their goals, agendas which you probably not aware of…

Is it angel or demon whispering into your ear?

People and other beings dream the dreams for you, they have plans for you, they have planed future for you.

Who are you going to be in their dream? Wonder if they make your dream bigger or totally going to shrink you and make you insignificant and miserable?

When you are exploring something or experiencing something that also explores and experiences you, it may become you? It is like eating food it becomes you. When you explore certain states of mind it explores you and you become those states of mind.

Be aware what you explore, be aware what you experience…you might become that…

When you have a desire to drink or eat or have relationships with someone…

Is it you or is it third party involved? Maybe you just become someones slave?

If you have goals in life make sure they are yours and you not living someones dream, you can if you want to, just don’t make it a nightmare.

People are walking projectors they see you certain way, they might worship you, ignore you, hate you, love you, reduce or increase your worth. See when you are with people your world shrinks or expands…

You can tell a lot about people what kind sense of humour they have if any, does this is humour light or heavy. How people talk about nature and animals, it tells a lot about their evolution level.

You may walk into a dream and decide how long you want to stay there. Walk from one dream to other. People may try and keep you in their dream, even though you don’t want to stay as if they keeping you hostage. They may try ruin your dreams. A lot of people try to guide you although if they don’t know who they are, how they may guide you? Don’t let the misguided guide you…

…or maybe you are the misguided one and try to control others?

People who can’t control themselves a lot of the times run around and try to control others.

Maybe there are good guides out there? … are you listening? A lot of the times they going to be quite, so in order to hear them you have to become silent…

You have to have enough power, wisdom, and balance to see and find the right guides…

Power takes you on the paths according to your evolution level and your readiness to hear…


You may also step into the void and have no dreams for some time, it is very refreshing. You may experience Nirvana, oh well that is totally different story…

Sweet dreams…and choose wisely who you share your bed with…make sure you know what dreams they have for you…

© laura ciciskinaite

Love affairs between immortals & mortals


‘Once upon a time there was this girl called Egle that lived near sea side town Palanga, she was a village girl and she had few brothers and sisters. One morning she went to bath, and when she came back the serpent was in her clothes and asked her to marry him, if she will promise this to him, then he would leave her clothes. She promised this although she didn’t think about the consequences and she forgot about the promise as soon as snake gave her clothes back. Snake didn’t forget the promise and he came back to get what he wanted. Humans tried to trick the serpent and sent him different animals although at the end he gots what he wanted, he marries Egle. Serpent takes Egle to his home which is underneath the Baltic sea…

So, come back to the story, Egle had four kids with Zilvinas, thats is the name of serpent being. They had three sons and one daughter. Egle wanted to come back to her human family, just to visit although Zilvnas didn’t allow her to do that, eventually he asked Egle to complete the ‘impossible’ tasks of which Egle completed with the help of the witch. Egle came back to see her family and when she wanted to go back to Zilvinas her brothers killed him, after that she cursed her kids and they became trees because youngest daughter betrayed her dad.’

There are more than hundred variations of the story ‘Egle grass snake queen’ in Lithuanian mythology and if you want to read the whole story you may find few versions on the web. I cut the story short just to mention the highlights of the story.

Now, my take of the story, starting from the beginning when Egle sees the snake in her clothes, was it a snake or a reptilian being, those beings are mentioned in many cultures, in Indian mythology they are called Nagas in some myth they are good in some myth they are bad although they usually portrait as wise. Even the person who ‘discovered’ yoga system  apparently was half man half snake his name was Patanjali.

Not trying to take sides here, who is good who is bad, trying to stay neutral. Some people, in spiritual community believe that all reptilians are bad…When we say word bad, well bad to who? Humans are not good too, they harm animals and each other…

In the Egle’s stroy we see that she makes the promise to reptile being and then tries to trick him, so human that makes a promise and brakes it, probably they don’t understand what is honour? And at the end her brothers kill Zilvinas even though it seems she already loved him and had four kids with him…

Also when looking at ‘kids thing’ in the story, seems they looked human not reptile, so this asks a question about the hybrid kids…kids who have ‘alien’ DNA…

Also scientist still don’t talk about the junk DNA, and in nature there is no junk, nature don’t create junk. ‘Junk’ DNA means a lot of humans may have, so cold ‘alien’ DNA, including reptilian. When human consciousness changes reptilian consciousness also changes because of the DNA connection.

Egles story tells us that Zilvinas took her to his home which was under the Baltic sea waters. Strangely enough there were quite many photos which show the structures under the Baltic sea, they call it ‘Baltic sea anomaly’, as if it looks like UFO craft.

Another famous story in Lithuanian mythology is Jurate and Kastytis this is a story of mermaid falling in love with a human fisherman. At first Jurate mermaid, wanted to punish Kastytis for disturbing the peace in the sea and then she changes her mind and she falls in love. She takes him to amber castle underneath the Baltic Sea waters. It seems that story should end happily ever after although Immortal Perkunas ( the same as Scandinavian Odin, thunder god) punishes the lovers, some stories say that Perkunas destroys the amber castle and kills Kastytis. When people find pieces of amber, on the shores of Baltic sea, people say it is the remains of the castle or the tears of Jurate because she lost Kastytis.

Both stories involve human and supernatural being and they get punished for their love because their own kind thinks ‘that sort of love’ shouldn’t be, their own kind thinks that they may decide what is best for them and they kill the ‘alien’, in first story Zilvinas killed by humans and in second story Kastytis killed by gods…

…so who is right?…who is wrong?…who is bad?…who is good?

These stories inspired many artists and the sculpture in the photo is ‘Egle Grass Snake Queen’ in Palanga town Lithuania, there is also a statue of Jurate and Kastytis also in Palanga town as two stories ‘happened’ in Palanga…

There is another story about Birute and Kestutis, which also originated in Palanga…the story for the next time…

Da purple book, being seen

indraOnce upon a time in a country far far away, in a time and space quite different…in the place that use to be called Soviet Union, the time that is history now…

The girl lived in that space and time, she was ordinary or maybe extraordinary girl…she was the girl who told stories, and she was one of those kinds that tell stories to grandma 👵 and grandma would fall asleep, not the other way round. She have learned to read and write at early age, she tough other kids how to read and she read and told stories to other kids that couldn’t read yet.

Like other kids she had to go to school although she didn’t like school because it had too many rules and restrictions also kids would get punished there.

One day a homework at school was to write a story or a poem.

A girl was very happy about that that’s her element, the words…

The girl was busy all weekend she wrote a poem, she wrote a story, she made a little book, she drew pictures in the book. The cover of the book was purple, she have used the nicest paper she had for the book, and in times of Soviet Union, even that was scarce. She enjoyed the process she looked at the book and it was the most perfect book, she couldn’t wait for Monday to bring her book to school.

Monday came and she went to school, she was happy then. The teacher at school asked to show the homework, a story or a poem, and the girl thought she’s going to show whole book. Girl looked at her bag and she couldn’t find a book, she left book at home. The teacher started screaming and she said many bad words, most likely teacher had a bad day. Teacher said to a girl ‘you’re  a liar’. The girl said that she can go  home and bring the book to school, it would only take few minutes. Teacher didn’t want to hear that and she decided to punish a girl and write a very bad mark.

This world is a weird place people may destroy other people’s lives just because they had a bad day and then the chain continues.

Don’t ruin someone’s day just because you had a bad day, people are not emotional bins…

Situations like that happened many times in girls life that she was blamed for things she didn’t do. People just don’t want to know and don’t want to hear, they don’t care what is true, they want to be right, indulge in self righteousness. This world seemed unfair and it was…although are you going to be like those other people, a lot of people are just the right example how not to live your life.

Because of those people girl felt this unnatural sense of guilt, like she had to say I’m sorry for breathing and sorry for existing…

That is exactly what system wants, people who constantly feel guilt, shame and blame. It  is time to say goodbye to these emotions, process and let them go. Time to brake old chain. Be the one who brakes the pattern.

After many years the new purple book was written and it explores sucbject of immortality;

Why people age?

Why people get old?

Why people die?

What human beings are capable of?

What other creatures are out there?

You can read a chapter from the book in pdf file, link below.

Chapter Black Black Night and Dragon Dance 

The link below, that’s were you may buy a book. Thank you 🙏 😊

© laura ciciskinaite

Pink storm in da 🌃 city

23352908-825B-49C0-9FEA-B67F9ADFFB7Bpink storm, that is playing in da city,

it seems the beings play with it,and they enjoy the play,

pink petals from the trees,

the petals like some silky snowflakes, they swirl in the wind, they play,

they dance…

two herons dance, in the background of the pink sunset,

if sky is pink,tomorrow you’ll see a storm…is that a pink storm?

two ducks enjoying their date and they are going for a walk,together,

the pink storm might affected them.

the people selling flowers on a corner of the street.

the other people buy them, the pink storm has affected them.

they bought all the roses, pink of course!

the roses are for others to impress…

this is like two swans, on surface of the lake,

puffed up their white feathers,try to impress each other,

they dance swan dance…

two male pheasants, fight each other, just to impress the female…

are they all mad? or what?


it is just pink storm and it affected them all!

it’s spring, the time of storm,that it is pink…     

© laura ciciskinaite

Chapter from the book, Indra in Search of Immortality

So, here is one chapter from my book Indra in Search of Immortality. The chapter Black Black Night and Dragon Dance.You may read it in PDF file that is down below.  Enjoy the reading!!!!!!


Chapter Black Black Night and Dragon Dance